Ich verlasse die Straßen (2003/09/13)

Ich verlasse die Strassen
gehe ein in das Licht
umarme das große "Fürchte-dich-nicht".

Die Welt hat sich gedreht,
der Herr hat mir den Kopf verdreht.
Die Welt hat sich gewandelt,
mein altes Weltbild verschandelt,
er hat das Kaleidoskop bewegt,
die Wirklichkeit gedreht.

Ich habe die Wahrheit in mir,
hab sie immer, hab sie hier,
und will nur noch eins,
danach leben, oder keins.

Werd's manchmal vielleicht vergessen,
zulassen dass Sorge und
Angst an mir fressen
doch kehre ich stets zurück
ins Jetzt und Hier
komme stets zurück zu mir
und zu guter Letzt zu Dir.

Ich verlasse die Gleise
die mir einst vorgegeben
trete ein in die Wildnis
meines noch ungeschöpften Lebens,
verlasse die Wege
tauche ein ins Nichts
und umarme auf ewig
das große "Ich bin" / "Bin nicht".

lost in thoughts (2003/07/18)

It is too much
it simply is too
everything is too much
cooking – too much
shopping for food – too much
going to work – too much
going to school – too much
taking care of business – too much
talking to people, strangers and friends alike – too much
smiling – too much
trusting – too much
deciding – too much
seeking a flat – too much.

I am so tired
I want to sleep
let everything sag
my face, my jaw
my skull, my skin
my soul
my brain
my thoughts
I want to let everything sag
against my soft, sweet-scented pillow.

I want to draw a breath
I want to heave a sigh
letting the air stream freely
without purpose
just for breathing’s sake
I want to no longer
think “I have to”
which is all I’m thinking now.

I want to think about God leisurely
talk to him
concentrate on him
on me
reflect my life
think about its purpose
where do I want it to go
oh – I so long to be free
of everything, only for some weeks
and be able to dig deep
unencumbered by daily worries.

I am so tired.
My throat aches.
My body is a load.
My emotions a turmoil
I’m too tired to groom.
My room is a mess, has been a mess for weeks.
I’m unable to clean it up
- reflection of my soul?

I am so tired.
I know I am headed in the right direction,
but what twists and turns my path is taking now,
I know not.
Maybe I’m trying too hard.
Maybe I should just let it go.
See what happens.
But what about
“getting back what you put in”
“not letting yourself being discouraged”?
“not giving up”?
When am I giving up? When am I clinging to
something that’s just not meant to be?
How to make out the difference?

I am so tired.
I am so tired of worrying.
Of thinking. Of evaluating.
Of being scared.
I am so tired of worrying.

watching a friend in pain (2003/02/04)

how does it feel?

everything oh so heavy
a nightmare become: trivial,
horrible, daily: life. Yours.

You tell yourself your life
is fine – otherwise.
These are just weeks,
they will pass,
grains of sand on the
near endless beach of
time you were allotted.

But in the small hours
of dusk and dawn,
the ache is near,
it’s here, in bed with you,
close to your heart,
is your heart.

To know that he whom
you love,
he who could stand close
to you, whose touch would
so alleviate your sorrow...
... is busy elsewhere,
can’t be with you, or only
marginally so.

And you are so fair a
soul, so clear-sighted –
not for you the
option of blind anger,
of teary accusations:

Where were you
when I needed you?!!”
This is not your voice.
(As it might have been mine.)
You know far too well
what he’s busy with, why
he can’t be there in
person, and only a
little in mind.

That is the strength that I admire.
Not only that you would
honor your duty to your father,
and still keep up your
academic efforts.

You have the strength to
keep in mind, even in
such strenuous times,
how much wanting someone
whom you love to be free,
to be fully himself,
the best he or she can be,
can cost. Especially at times like these.

I watch you, having heard you
proclaim that knowledge,
being in need –
and unflinchingly,
paying up.

I only wish your eyes weren’t so puffed.