Teaches me lessons
I never asked to learn;
kindles a flame
I never knew could burn;
awakens a depth
I didn't suspect I could yearn.
Destroy all the plans
I have made, in vain;
make me experience
all shades from pleasure to pain...
Till on my dying day I'll be able to say
I've lived life deeply - yay!
Sometimes (13/7/11)
Sometimes I watch TV from 5 to 9
sometimes I dine, and lunch, and dine,
all in the course of one hour's time.
Sometimes I gorge on chips and cake,
more often though I cook and bake.
Sometimes I'm kind, sometimes
I'm gruff, just like some days be
sweet while some are rough.
I've tried for years for this and that,
tried to fight against what I thought
was bad.
Looking closely, what I see, is neither
this nor that is me. All there is, is
that I be.
der Sinn meines Lebens (13/3/2)
den Nacken meiner Katze kraulen,
wieder, und wieder, und wieder.
im Kino zu weinen.
Herzschmerz zu ertragen,
Höhen und Tiefen zu
nehmen, wie sie kommen.
Abzuspülen, wieder und wieder,
und zu kochen, neu, auch,
immer wieder.
Sucht und Kleinlichkeit, kleine
Lügen und Freundlichkeit,
sehen und dulden, im Spiegel
der anderen, im Bad.
nicht zu wissen was der nächste
Tag oder das Leben ganz allgemein
mir bringt, außer den Tod -
und dann noch, zu lieben,
alles was kommt,
wieder, und wieder, und wieder.
Sleepless night (13/02/24)
way past
sleepless I sit
sipping soup
the silent
night shift shape:
swirling by
in streetlight's
reddish glow,
piling up
for the neighbors
to shovel,
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